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Some past Newsletters can be found on this page.

The Portsmouth Society produces a high quality newsletter for members every month detailing a range of articles covering our core offering. More recent newsletters will be added here soon to include all publication excluding the last 3 months.

To receive the monthly up-to-date newsletter please join the society via the link at the top of the page. 

Portsmouth Society Newsletter January 2014


  • Roger James 5.1.1921 – 14.11.2013
  • Record Year for the Design Awards
  • Portsmouth Society Moves Forward
  • Historic Environment Meeting
  • “Southern Comfort 2013” – Civic Associations get-together
  • Portsmouth Naval Base – underpinning the nation’s security
  • through the 21st century
  • Portsmouth City Council’s Planning Department
  • An update on The Story of Southsea Rock Gardens
  • The Story of Bob’s Bench
  • Tree Officer Report Winter 2013
  • Meeting with Leader of Portsmouth City Council
  • The Future of English Heritage
  • Distressed Town Centre Report

Wymering Manor Trust Success in the People’s Millions Trust wins £50,000!

We are delighted to report that the Wymering Manor Trust has been awarded £50,000 from The People’s Millions. The Portsmouth Society is a keen supporter of the Trust and we thank all those members who voted in the competition.More …

Portsmouth Society Newsletter September 2013


  • Portsmouth Society Celebrates 40 Years
  • The Portsmouth Society – 40 years on
  • Civic Voice – Benefits of Membership
  • Royal Maritime Club, Portsmouth
  • Autumn Tree Walk in Ravelin Park – 5 October
  • Local History Course: The Victorians
  • Armed Forces Day
  • e-Petition to Amend the National Planning Policy Framework
  • The New Mary Rose Museum
  • akeside Wildlife Walks
  • The Future, 2014 and all that
  • Proposed TESCO superstore for Fratton Park

Portsmouth Society Newsletter January 2013


  • Megastructure for The Hard
  • Wymering Manor Becomes Community Asset
  • Portsmouth Society’s 40th Anniversary
  • Civic Voice in 2012
  • Civic Voice Coventry AGM and Convention
  • StalemateThreat to Pier Rescue
  • Meetings with the Leader of the Council
  • Diamond Jubilee tree planting in Milton Park
  • Hertha Ayrton (1854-1923)
  • Can anyone identify this house?
  • Greening the Tricorn Car Park
  • New Horizon Elms
  • A Day Out By Train to Shoreham-by-Sea
  • Architecture a la café at the Groundlings Theatre

Portsmouth Society Newsletter May 2013


  • New Owners for Wymering Manor
  • Civic Voice calls for Community Right of Appeal
  • MPs approve revised home extensions procedure
  • New permitted development rights come into force
  • Meeting with the Leader of the Council
  • The Local List of Buildings
  • Meet the committee – Simon Ball
  • Architecture a la Café at St. Cuthbert’s Church Copnor
  • Shoreham-by-Sea Visit 20 April 2013
  • Shoreham Outer Beach – a personal view
  • St. Peter’s Update
  • April Gooch
  • 3 Portland Terrace – Request for information
  • New Books
  • Picture Parade
  • Portsmouth Society 40th Anniversary Lunch


Portsmouth Society Newsletter September 2012


  • Portsmouth International Port Wins Best New Building 2012
  • Seafront and City Centre Masterplans
  • Visit to Gunwharf Quays – 4 July
  • Progress at Hilsea Lido
  • Croquet Pavilion, Canoe Lake Southsea – building at risk?
  • Littlehampton Visit 16 June
  • Heritage at Risk in the Dockyard
  • Re-thinking Neighbourhood Planning
  • Dickens Celebrations in Fratton
  • Work starts on the University’s Eldon Building extension
  • Trees in the Townscape, a Guide for Decision Makers
  • Former Eagle Cinema, New Road, Copnor

Portsmouth Society Newsletter May 2012


  • Lord Mayor unveils Design Awards Plaques
  • Architecture à la Café
  • From the Chair
  • Planning matters
  • Removal of VAT relief on alterations to listed buildings
  • Georgette, “Gigi” Norrish
  • Trees Update
  • The Portsmouth Dialect – “Pompeyspeak”
  • Open Plaques

Portsmouth Society Newsletter January 2012


  • Progress at Wymering Manor
  • New phone mast for Copnor
  • Savoy Court, South Parade
  • Architecture à la Café
  • Audrey Jane Mullis, 1934 -2011
  • 2011 Design Awards
  • Please can you help?
  • Tricorn Shop Centre sign
  • BBC Reel History 2 Film Event
  • Quebec House, Old Portsmouth
  • Conservation or Change – the care of Church Buildings
  • Farewell to ASWE
  • Romsey trip – A fine day, a fine town…
  • New Elm Trees for Ladies’ Mile, Southsea Common
  • Memories of the Great Storm of October 1987

Portsmouth Society Wins Civic Day Award


At the Civic Voice national conference in Sheffield in October 2011, the Portsmouth Society was presented with a commemorative plaque in recognition of its work for Civic Day. The award was for the Innovative School Project undertaken bythe society and recognised the spread of activities undertaken to strengthen relationships with local schools. The plaque was signed by Griff Rhys Jones, Civic Voice President.

Portsmouth Society Newsletter September 2011


  • Farewell Savoy Court
  • Edwardian Seafront Shelter
  • Civic Day 2011 – in Retrospect
  • The Future for St Peter’s and St Luke’s Southsea
  • Revising Lloyd/Pevsner
  • The Friends of Cumberland House natural History Museum, Southsea
  • The Localism Bill
  • Friends of Old Wymering – Alive and Kicking!
  • Guided Walk – The City Centre’s Best 20th Century Buildings
  • News from Portsmouth and Southsea Tree Wardens
  • News from Civic Voice
  • The Portsmouth Book of Days
  • New Theatre Royal
  • Corporate Membership

Portsmouth Society Newsletter June 2011


  • Wymering Manor- Building At Risk
  • Civic Day Arrives
  • Portsmouth Society Officers and Committee 2011-12
  • Andrew Handyside
  • What’s Portsmouth For? – Penny Mordaunt MP
  • Portsmouth’s Favourite Trees
  • St Peter’s Church and Institute Somers Road
  • Consultations
  • Dockyards In Art: Art in Dockyards
  • Anti-tank defences at Eastney beach
  • Gog and Magog
  • Greening the Tricorn Grey
  • The Bunker
  • Old Portsmouth: A Garrison Town in the Mid-19th Century
  • Portsmouth Society on Twitter @PortsmouthSoc
  • Committee Minutes
  • Summer Day Trip to Romsey

Portsmouth Society Newsletter March 2011


  • The Saga of Derelict Eyesores on the Seafront
  • Buildings of England – a celebration of the achievement of Sir Nikolaus Pevsner and his co-authors.
  • New book from CABE – Creating excellent buildings – A guide for clients
  • Civic Day Update
  • Pedestrianisation of Commercial Road (South) and Edinburgh Road (East)
  • Planning Matters
  • Book Review – Deane Clark’s Portsmouth
  • A Green Walk in Old Portsmouth
  • Words of Wisdom from the Leader of Portsmouth City Council

Portsmouth Society Newsletter November 2010


  • Design Awards 2010 – A Focus on Sustainable Development
  • The Big Event
  • Civic Day 2011
  • Meet the committee – part 2
  • Heritage Weekend, Southsea Castle
  • New Books: Thomas Ellis Owen – Shaper of Portsmouth,‘Father of Southsea’; The Tricorn Life and Death of a Sixties Icon; Deane Clark’s Portsmouth
  • English Heritage Protection Process
  • Portsmouth Tree Wardens
  • Transfer of Assets
  • Fortifications on the South Coast
  • Recruit a friend!

Portsmouth Society Newsletter July 2010


  • Civic Voice is Launched
  • Letter from the Chairman
  • Southern Comfort 2010
  • Meet the committee – part 1
  • What the Victorians left to us
  • The New 2010 Strand Mural
  • PPS5 – Planning for the Historic Environment
  • Plan to put up memorial to 14 victims of air raid
  • Do Street Trees have a Future?
  • Tree Identification Walk in Milton Park
  • Design Awards 2010 – Nominations invited
  • Portsmouth Green Fair
  • Letter to the Editor
  • Portsea Island Discs

Southern Comfort 2010


Several of our members had the pleasure of representing the Portsmouth Society at ‘Southern Comfort’ at Winchester on Saturday 10 July. This was a formal meeting of local Civic Societies in the South-East, hosted by the City of Winchester Trust.


Portsmouth Society Newsletter April 2010


  • “Green Lung” Destroyed at Mile End Road,
  • New Chairman for the Portsmouth Society
  • Membership Subscriptions
  • A Message from Celia Clark
  • Introducing Bob Adderley
  • New National Voice for Civic Societies
  • New use for Beneficial School, Portsea
  • Can you help?
  • Space, Place-making and Urban Design – SPUD
  • Book Review – ‘Kilo Sierra Five One’ (Policing Portsmouth in the 1980s)
  • Portsmouth and Southsea Tree Wardens
  • Days Out with the Portsmouth Society

Former ARE Building Portsdown Hill


The Portsmouth Society is very sad to see that a key part of the Portsdown Hill skyline is being demolished.


Portsmouth & Southsea Tree Wardens


With the help of a small grant from Southsea Town Council and a second grant secured by Hilsea Councillor Donna Jones, the Portsmouth & Southsea Tree Wardens Scheme is now up and running. There is now a Web site with full information plus details of how to get involved. Visit

Portsmouth Society Newsletter January 2010


  • New Continental Ferry Port Terminal Building Unveiled
  • Civic Society Initiative – Conclusions and Next Steps
  • Civic Trust South East Autumn Conference
  • World Heritage Bid
  • MOD disposals – new research commissioned by the Bill Sargeant Trust
  • Greening Southsea
  • Housing Space Standards: Rising or Falling?
  • Local Transport Plan 3
  • Site of Savoy Buildings, South Parade, Southsea
  • Fawcett Rd, Emanuels & Willesden
  • Some Unexpected Choices?
  • What do you love about Portsmouth?
  • Patricia Sheridan (Paddy) 1930-2009 An Appreciation
  • Two new local history books from Ron Brown
  • Meetings and Events

Portsmouth Society Newsletter September 2009


  • Design Awards 2009
  • Goodbye Civic Trust, Hello Civic Society Initiative
  • ‘City of Culture’ 2013
  • Tricorn Book is published!
  • World Heritage Site – update
  • The Admiralty Surface Weapons Establishment
  • Architectural ‘Bus Tour August 2009
  • Greening Southsea
  • Volunteering Opportunity – Tree Wardens
  • English Heritage Conservation Area Report
  • No.6 Your local independent cinema
  • Days out with the Portsmouth Society
  • Pedestrian Guardrailing
  • Gift Aid – Helping the Society’s Funds!
  • Denis Callender
  • Treadgolds Ironmongers …
  • … and Treadgolds Warehouse
  • UniverCities Conference – Portsmouth 23 & 24 July
  • Meetings and Events

The Tricorn: Life and Death of a Sixties Icon


This forthcoming book by Celia Clark and Robert Cook explores what makes an architectural icon – and what unmade it. It sets the Tricorn within its architectural context:.


Portsmouth Reflections


An innovative book by Neil Marshall has been published featuring pictures of Portsmouth Then and Now.

More …


Portsmouth Society Newsletter February 2009


  • Save Our Trees!
  • World Heritage Site update
  • Public Art Strategy
  • The Pyramids, Southsea
  • Go permeable – it’s planning free!
  • Seafront Shelter
  • Days out with the Portsmouth Society
  • Planning update
  • Dr Colin White
  • Your local independent cinema needs you!
  • Maintaining the unique character of Drayton Lane
  • From the Membership Secretary
  • Grass Roots Online – the Civic Societies Newsletter

Portsmouth Society Newsletter October 2008


  • 2008 Annual Design Awards
  • Portsmouth Harbour, the Isle of Wight and Spithead as a World Heritage site
  • Link with sister city Portsmouth New Hampshire
  • Design Champion/Historic Environment Champion
  • An evening walking tour of Alverstoke Village
  • The Omega Centre
  • Somerstown
  • Planning Q & As
  • “Your city, your future – the draft Portsmouth Plan”

No Diving – Memories of Hilsea Lido


Visit the web site created as a result of a recent project to collect memories of the Hilsea Lido.

More …

Portsmouth Society Newsletter June 2008


  • Northern Quarter Plans Approved
  • Architectural Bus Tour
  • City Vision Centres – Southampton – and Portsmouth?
  • Designing Portsmouth 2009/2010
  • Hilsea Lido Update
  • Southsea Flooding
  • World Heritage Site Bid
  • The Shelter on Eastney Esplanade
  • Thomas Ellis Owen Sculpture
  • Treadgolds Museum
  • Naval Medicine
  • Pyramids update
  • Rodney Gordon 1033-2008
  • Poleitis!
  • Philip Kolvin’s Speech to the Civic Trust South East

Naval Medicine – the story of James Lind


The Summer 2008 newsletter feature an article about James Lind, pioneer in Naval medicine. The item was shortened owing to lack of space, however the full article is reporoduced here.

Naval Medicine – the story of James Lind

Portsmouth Society Newsletter January 2008

  • The past is a present to the future
  • Northern Quarter Plans Now Available
  • Farewell Pitt Street Baths
  • Tipner Regeneration Masterplan
  • Hilsea Lido Pool for the People
  • Boundary walls and Conservation Areas
  • What’s Past is Passed? – Creative Thinking Exercise
  • Your City, Your Future – Core Strategy Submission
  • The Guardsman, Fratton Road
  • Cut the VAT Coalition
  • Odeon Cinema North End

Demolition of Pitt Street Baths
A useful and decorative piece of Portsmouth’s heritage has been destroyed with the demolition of Pitt Street Baths to make way for the Northern Quarter road scheme.More …

Portsmouth Society Newsletter September 2007

  • Design Awards 2007
  • Harbour cruise report
  • Hilsea Lido
  • Wymering Manor
  • World Heritage Site update
  • T.E.Owen sculpture
  • Commercial Rd/Edinburgh Rd public inquiry
  • PFC Stadium
  • Core Strategy – what’s on the horizon for Portsmouth?

Portsmouth Society Newsletter June 2007

  • Portsmouth FC Stadium for The Hard?,
  • Core Strategy for Portsmouth
  • Proposals for Northern Quarter,
  • Planning Matters
  • Buildings in their original condition
  • Membership update
  • South West Trains
  • Planning white paper
  • Meeting with PCC Chief Exec. David Williams
  • World Heritage proposals
  • Edinburgh Rd / Commercial Rd closure
  • Portsmouth Society wins Civic Award
  • Commemorations

Architecture Week Boat Trip 21st June 2007


The Architecture Week Boat Trip was attended by more than 150 members and guests. The weather was favourable and we were able to travel towards Portchester Castle and Fareham Creek before heading south out of the harbour as far as Clarence Pier. Thanks to all who helped organise such a successful event. Any ideas for Architecture Week 2008?

Portsmouth Society Newsletter January 2007

  • Design Awards 2006
  • Savoy Buildings
  • New John Lewis store for Northern Quarter
  • Portsmouth Harbour as a World Heritage Site
  • Report from Southern Comfort 2006
  • The New Planning System
  • Core Strategy Questionnaire
  • Architecture Week 2007
  • Portsmouth Archaeology
  • Reviving Hilsea Lido
  • The City Council’s Trees
  • South West Trains (SWT) downgrades Portsmouth – Waterloo line

Report from Southern Comfort 2006


Paul Grover, Director of the Solent Centre for Architecture and Design, enthused the audience when he addressed the delegates at the Southern Comfort meeting on Saturday 14th October at Portsmouth Guildhall.

Southern Comfort meeting report October 2006

Portsmouth Society Newsletter July 2006

  • Wymering Manor Success
  • Southern Comfort 2006
  • Buckingham House, Old Portsmouth
  • Archaeology – missing in Portsmouth
  • New Publications
  • Knight & Lee – Proposal for listed status
  • Portsmouth Festivities
  • South East Plan
  • Proposed Regeneration of Tipner
  • Abolition of Crown exemption
  • New Think Tank
  • Volunteer Day 17 June 2006

Portsmouth Society Newsletter February 2006

  • Maritime City – Portsmouth 1945 – 2005′
  • Northern Quarter – Outline Permission Granted
  • Brunel Bicentennial Celebrations
  • Wymering Manor – the oldest house in Portsmouth
  • Decaying Public Heritage
  • Craftspeople in short supply – yet popular university course to close?
  • Southern Comfort 2005, Farnham
  • Nuclear or not?
  • Peter Cobb – Fortifications buff, enthusiast and colleague
  • Nothing to Report – more signs in Old Portsmouth
  • St George’s Road Pelican crossing – a small victory for the Society

Portsmouth Society Newsletter September 2005


  • Design Awards 2005
  • Northern Quarter development
  • Architecture week bus tour
  • Definition of “consult”
  • Wymering Manor
  • A Sandwich or a Portsmouth
  • “Dinlo”
  • Walled Cities Get Together

Portsmouth Society Newsletter May 2005


  • How do you recognise a good building?
  • Design Awards 2005 – Nominations Invited
  • “Inside Out” Home for Mary Rose
  • Beneficial School, Kent Street, Portsea
  • A sustainable future for Fraser Battery, Eastney?
  • Concrete Threat to Front Gardens
  • Block Mills – top historic site and Building at Risk
  • Mudlarks
  • More Pompeyspeak
  • Travel costs since 1997
  • Traffic gridlocks in Portsmouth
  • The South East Plan
  • The Point and Broad Street – Appeal rejected
  • Nelson’s statue and the Victory anchor
  • Moving around Portsmouth

Portsmouth Society News February 2005


  • What Future for Southsea Shopping Precinct?
  • How to declutter your streets
  • Trafalgar 200
  • Lionel Brett (Viscount Esher) 1913-2004
  • Replanning the Tricorn site
  • Tricorn News & Gossip
  • The Great Portsmouth Gridlock
  • The Rimmington mural
  • Traffic Signs in Conservation Areas
  • Milan Mandaric statue appeal
  • Defects of the traffic system
  • Postcards from Portsmouth
  • Forgotten Ports of England
  • TETRA – Transmitting from Fratton Park
  • Conservation News
  • Guide to Planning

Portsmouth Society Newsletter August 2004


  • Exciting New Scheme for Heritage Car Park
  • Pompey Stadium and Village
  • PFI for Roads Rebuilding and Maintenance
  • Trafalgar House Mural – A Portsmouth Treasure but dimly revealed
  • Determination of Planning Applications
  • Kate Crowley’s Fund
  • The Mainline they Shouldn’t Ignore
  • Thomas Ellis Owen Celebratory Festival
  • Southern Comfort Meeting
View the complete Newsletter

Portsmouth Society Newsletter January 2004


  • The Tricorn – What Future?
  • Tricorn as an Inspiration
  • Your favourite urban place
  • Gunwharf
  • Lost History
  • Cr*p Towns!
  • Best Practice in Regeneration 2003
  • Consuming Less in our Homes
  • The New Queen Alexandra Hospital
  • The Tower – What Cost?
  • BBC Southern Ways in South Today
  • Portsmouth Point
  • The Riviera but Nearer
  • Quote of the Month
  • Wasted Space

Portsmouth Society Newsletter September 2003


  • Design Awards 2003
  • Autumn Lecture Series
  • The Vulcan decision
  • Solent Architecture Centre
  • The Tricorn
  • Cosham Tram Shelter – Help Please!
  • The University’s Milton Campus
  • Waterworks visit
  • The Portsmouth City Local PlanThe Civic Trust South East
  • The Old House at Home, Paulsgrove
  • Love and principal, tough and tender
  • Queen Alexandra Hospital

Portsmouth Society Newsletter May 2003


  • Further development at Gunwharf Quays
  • The University’s Milton Campus
  • The future of Church Buildings
  • Exhibition of work by Eric Rimmington
  • City of Portsmouth Preserved Passenger Depot
  • West Southsea residents’ parking – Update
  • The Old House at Home, Paulsgrove
  • Highland Road Cemetery

Portsmouth Society Newsletter January 2003


  • Design Competition 2002 – Lord Mayor unveils the plaques
  • Broad Street Bus Museum under threat
  • Manhatten on Portsmouth Harbour – high rise at Gunwharf?
  • Vulcan Building Gunwharf – sacrificed to flats?
  • Portsmouth Society’s 30th Anniversary
  • The Impact of the Signing Strategy
  • Brent Goose Strategy
  • The New Road Centre
  • Sale of the Centuries
  • Commercial Road Fountain – a personal view
  • St James’s Hospital Grounds
  • Pompey as she is spoke – yet more readers’ comments
  • Wymering Manor Update
  • Book Review – Portsmouth Ships, Dockyard and Town

