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Who are we?

The Portsmouth Society is a voluntary organisation, interested in preserving the best of Portsmouth’s environment; buildings, streets, open spaces and seashore, and in encouraging well designed new buildings and amenities.

We are the local Civic Society, registered with Civic Voice, which is a national body working to make the places where everyone lives more attractive, enjoyable and distinctive.

We are one of a thousand such groups nationally, which promote and celebrate high standards of architecture and planning and public facilities in their area.

We subsist solely on members’ subscriptions and donations, which enable us to be a genuinely independent body – not an offshoot of any political party or of Portsmouth City Council.

What do we do?

We keep up-to-date with proposed changes in the city, and advocate new ideas to enhance it, campaigning vigorously in support of the principles we believe in. We keep members informed on local issues, drawing on their knowledge and expertise to put forward the Society’s views to decision-makers.

We hold monthly meetings and lectures, arrange visits to interesting places, and publish a regular newsletter.

In our annual Design Competition we make awards for the best new building, best restoration and best landscaping in the city. Recent award winners include the Admiralty Quarter in Queen Street, Portsea, Priory View in Cumberland Gate (by Fratton Bridge), the restoration of the Kings Theatre, Southsea, Marine Gardens, part of the splendid grounds of the former Royal Marine Barracks at Eastney.

Why Join?

Decisions taken now on the shape of the city, affect future generations as well as ourselves. Without the voices of local people, including groups like the Society, it is all too easy for these decisions to be based principally on cost considerations rather than on improving the quality of the local environment.

We need your help in putting forward positive views. Only if the Society is known to represent a substantial body of opinion will our voice be listened to. The more people who join the stronger that voice will be.

How is the Society run?

The Society elects a Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Secretary, together with an number of Executive Committee members. The Committee carries out the day to day decision-making.

How do I join?

The Portsmouth Society welcomes new members. You can join us by coming along to any of our meetings or by completing a membership form. We operate a Gift Aid scheme where we can claim tax paid by you to HM Treasury. If you are a taxpayer, then please complete the Gift Aid declaration.

Please note: although membership applications can be submitted at any time, we operate an annual membership cycle running from April to March each year.

Complete the membership application form

Type of Membership Full Joint   Young Member (age<25) Corporate
Annual Subscription £10 £15 £5 £25

Portsmouth Society Contacts

Chairman Graham Newcombe  
Treasurer Matt Dixon  
Secretary Fi Rosen  
Email enquiries