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Your Help Wanted

Elections for the posts of Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and Executive Committee (6 members) will be held at the AGM in May 2024.  Other than the three named posts, roles are allocated in accordance with the strengths of members voted on to the executive.  Skills are balanced with the changing needs of the Society to determine the roles and responsibilities for each year.  These are discussed and allocated at the first meeting following the AGM.  The following job outlines allow an understanding of the type of roles required to operate the Society successfully.  Tasks may switch between roles, as necessary:

Chair – Chair monthly executive meetings, host the Members’ events, and represent the organisation at external events and meetings.  Responsible for the efficient running of the Society by leading management discussion and ensuring decisions put into operation.
Secretary – Responsible for handling correspondence received, making replies, and other related actions.  To be the contact point with Civic Voice, arrange annual membership and insurance.  Generate and circulate the agenda and papers for executive meetings and AGM paperwork.
Treasurer – Operation of the Society’s bank accounts, recording transactions and providing the annual accounts and financial report.  Completion of Charity Commission returns.  Advise the executive of annual budgets and regular financial statements.

Vice-Chair – This post is usually combined with another role.  In the absence of the Chair, the Vice-Chair takes control of meetings and other decision-making aspects.
Planning – Monitor planning applications and development consultations, in discussion with a sub-committee of Members.  Ensure minutes are forwarded to the Executive, bringing to their attention any items of concern.  Lead the team in submitting responses to planning applications, or making deputations.  Support the Annual Design Awards by reviewing the nominations to generate a short list for judging.
Minutes Secretary – Attend all executive meetings, AGMs and other special meetings to record discussions and actions in written minutes.  Circulate the minutes to executive members promptly.
Events Coordinator – Arrange speakers for monthly Members’ meetings, and a range of other events such as visits or guided walks.  Book the required rooms and equipment for events.  Host the speaker, arrange refreshments or payment of expenses.
Newsletter Editor – Prepare and send by Mailchimp a regular newsletter to Members, including details of forthcoming events, planning and consultation issues, reports on previous events or issues, and other items from the executive.
Tree Officer – Monitor planning and development applications for tree and landscape issues, advising the executive of action required.  Run appropriate events and activities.
Social Media Officer – Publicise activities of the Society to the local and wider audience using a variety of social media platforms.  Items include those generated by the Planning Team, Tree Officer, and the Events Coordinator. We would be particularly keen to here from anyone willing to take on this role; it would appeal to someone who is familiar with Facebook and Twitter.
Education and Outreach – Develop material for educational use, and engage with community groups including schools, colleges and universities through projects or competitions.

Other roles, not necessarily executive posts, include Membership Secretary, Marketing, Design Awards Administrator, Website Administrator, Technical Equipment Assistant, and Front-of-House at members meetings.

If you have skills that would be of use to the Society, do feel free to speak to a member of the executive, or contact
